The story of the L42A1 is inextricably entwined with the L39A1 Target Rifle and the rise of the L1A1 Self Loading Rifle. All three are reviewed with a focus on actions in the Falklands Islands War.
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Art In Arms Press, 9732 Pyramid Hwy #113, Sparks, NV 89441, USA.
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The sky above us is populated with fanciful creatures living in the clouds however briefly as created and sculpted by the wind. “Critters in the Clouds” is a 20-page Kindle “Graphic Novel” eBook (or Kindle Komic, if you will) chronicling some the strange creatures found crossing the Northern Nevada sky. The pictures are big, the verbiage light in this visual treat. A new concept in eBooks, this is No. 2 in the Series and features 20+ photos and will look best on an iPad and similar color Tablets. Smart phone users may have a little trouble reading the captions, but it can be enlarged with a swipe of the fingers, or have fun just looking at the pictures and letting your imagination soar with the wind! Available at Amazon for $2.99. A novel Christmas e-stocking stuffer!
Art In Arms Press is pleased to announce two new ways to enjoy our publications. THE MATCHLESS ENFIELD .303 No. 4 MK I (T) SNIPER is available in an abridged version for Kindle Readers with 18 photos. Buy it at Amazon!
New, and unique to Art In Arms Press is THE MATCHLESS ENFIELD .303 No. 4 MK I (T) SNIPER IN PICTURES. This version is just 19 full color and 5 period b&w photos presented with captions alone in a 20-page Graphic Novel optimized for Tablets and iPads. This version can be enjoyed on phones, too, and Kindle readers, but the photos look better in full color in the tablet format. We believe this novel approach (if you’ll pardon the pun) opens up the subject to folks looking for easy entertainment. We’ve all just thumbed through a magazine and looked at the pictures and read the captions, and you can do so with the THE MATCHLESS ENFIELD IN PICTURES. If the topic piques your interest, the Kindle version awaits, as does the book with all 81 photos. Buy it Amazon!
When spring begins again here in Northern Nevada, we'll add to this section. Meanwhile, Flowers 2021 is still beautiful! Flowers 2020 is full of beauty, too! Check back regularly as flowers bloom in earnest!
Sunsets and sunrises are especially beautiful here in Northern Nevada, and the winds do strange things to the clouds. See if you see what I see in Critter Clouds. The new crop of strange cloud fellows in 2021 has begun! The gent here has something in his hand! Is he looking forward or down? As always, these are as I photographed them and the only "photo editing" performed is a slight boost to contrast and color. Much beauty is to be seen in Sunsets. A new page is here in right below Sunsets 2021, and the previous year's crop is in Sunsets 2020. Past years are just below.
Art In Arms Press doesn't have any advertising (other than the shameless huckstering for our books). If you've enjoyed any of these features and galleries, please donate any amount! Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters are all welcome.
Here you'll find firearm photography from the Revolutionary War to modern times. There are galleries for the Old West and Napoleonic War, WW II, the Cold War and modern arms of interest. Jeff is an Endowment Life Member of the NRA, publisher of Art In Arms Press and a professional photographer.
Modern firearms of the 20th and 21st century abound here. Many have been published in various firearm magazines, but the color reproduction here is much better! I hope you enjoy them!
I never know exactly what I’ll find when I venture forth with the camera. Everyday is different and the same subject goes from “Gee, nice,” to “Wow!” as the sun crosses the sky. Nevada’s glorious sunrises, sunsets and the simple beauty of the garden are a daily delight. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did taking them! And then there are the Oddities...
What would a website be without cats? After poor Squeakers passing (1994-2017), my neighbor's cat called regularly and we've become friends. Now that Twinkles has arrived, I fear she has declared the house Off Limits to other cats. Panzer is a bit put out he lost his indoor napping privileges, but Twinkles is a dear, and this is now HER house.
Find new items from the shooting industry, news, links to commentary (especially about the 2nd Amendment) amid book reviews and other great things we think will inform and delight you!
Jeff founded Art In Arms Press in 2019 to review individual firearms and firearm topics more thoroughly and in a way impossible to do in a conventional magazine article, yet in a format accessible to people interested in the subject, and not quite willing to commit to buying a large, hardcover book yet.
The Art In Arms Book Series is
Jeff founded Art In Arms Press in 2019 to review individual firearms and firearm topics more thoroughly and in a way impossible to do in a conventional magazine article, yet in a format accessible to people interested in the subject, and not quite willing to commit to buying a large, hardcover book yet.
The Art In Arms Book Series is done in a 10"x7" paperback the perfect size for those places and times where short chapters along with plenty of pictures are easily read and digested.
Welcome to my website! While the picture above isn’t exactly what I look like, it's pretty close.
Jeff John is the former editor of GUNS Magazine, and was an Associate Editor for Petersen’s Guns & Ammo and Technical Editor for Handguns and RifleShooter magazines. I have had a lifelong interest in history, firearms, target shooting, gun making and photography. Enjoy!
The Nature section is just for fun, and chronicle the times I happen to be looking in the right direction at the right time with the camera on and in my hand. Enjoy the sunrises, sunsets, moonsets, flowers, blossoms, birds and animals. I see things in clouds, too, and remember some friends wondering if I was crazy. See if you see what I
The Nature section is just for fun, and chronicle the times I happen to be looking in the right direction at the right time with the camera on and in my hand. Enjoy the sunrises, sunsets, moonsets, flowers, blossoms, birds and animals. I see things in clouds, too, and remember some friends wondering if I was crazy. See if you see what I saw in "Critter Clouds." Some I've shown these to have seen other things! Don't peek at the captions before deciding. Oddities contains other, well, odd things.
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9732 Pyramid Way #113, Sparks, Nevada 89441, United States
Some of the firearm photos are © FMG Publications, since they were taken by me to illustrate stories written for GUNS Magazine. Everything else is ©2025 by Jeff John. All rights reserved, whether my copyright or FMG's!
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